How much do you charge for shipping?
Currently, we only provide courier services to the US, UK, Canada and Australia, and charges are based on international logistics standards*
*with some exceptions

Will I be charged any shipping, customs or duties fees?
No, the price you see is the price you pay - you won't be charged any extra fees.

When will you ship my order?
If you order an in-stock item, we’ll ship it within 5-7 working days.

How long will my order take to arrive?
Orders are shipped by EMS or USPS. Typically, delivery takes 7-21 working days after dispatch, but it may take longer due to factors beyond our control.

Do you provide tracking information?
You will receive your tracking information within 3-5 working days. But sometimes tracking might not be available if free shipping applies. In this case, please contact us at oononno@outlook.com

Can I cancel my order?
You can change or cancel your order within 12 hours. Please contact us at service@oononno.com